The Treasure We Are, The Treasure We Have, The Treasure We Protect
There’s a deep and often forgotten truth that we all need to be reminded of: We are treasures. Precious, worthy, and intentionally created. Each of us is a supernatural work of God—knit together by Him, loved beyond measure, and purposed for something greater than our past or present circumstances.
At Vashti, we see this truth every day in the children and families we serve. Many of them arrive feeling lost, unseen, or weighed down by a past that tells them they are anything but valuable. But the truth is this: we are all treasures, and nothing can take that away.
The Treasure We Are
Insecurity often disguises itself as perfectionism, making us believe we have to prove our worth. But the reality is, our worth has never been in question. God has called us lovely, worthy, and his.
For the children at Vashti, this truth is sometimes hard to grasp. Many have experienced trauma, neglect, and instability. But that doesn’t define them. They are strong. They are capable. They are treasures. And it’s our mission to make sure they know it.
The Treasure We Have
We all carry something valuable within us—gifts, passions, and purpose that were placed inside of us for a reason. Even our deepest wounds can birth our greatest callings.
Can you trace your passion to the deepest point of your pain? Many of us can. I certainly can. My own life’s challenges have led me here—to a place where my passion is to see children and families freed, flourishing, and walking in the confidence of their God-given worth.
At Vashti, we are entrusted with the treasure of these children’s futures. We protect, nurture, and empower them so that they can step into the fullness of who they are meant to be.
The Treasure We Protect
In Isaiah 33:6, we are reminded that God is our constant source of stability. For the children at Vashti, stability is often something they’ve never known. But here, they are given more than just shelter and care—they are given the tools to build a future different from their past. We stand in the gap for them, providing hope, a safe space, and the knowledge that they are deeply loved.
So, whether you are a child at Vashti searching for hope, a donor wondering if your support makes a difference, or someone who simply needed this reminder today—know this: You are a treasure. You are worthy. You are loved.
A Call to Action: Stand With Us
Healing, transformation, and security are not things we find alone. We stand stronger together.
Join us in this mission. Support our work. Help us remind every child that their past does not define them—their future does.
To our donors, volunteers, and supporters—you are part of this mission. Your generosity is more than just a donation; it is an investment in a child’s future. You help provide a place where they can heal, grow, and realize that they are not defined by what they have been through but by the incredible potential that lies ahead.
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